The development of social media and Internet technologies has increased the speed of news, and people have gained immediate access to information on many issues. However, it has also affected terrorist organizations by changing their methods, strategies, and visions. With these new methods and strategies, today’s terrorist organizations negatively affect the psychology of South Koreans and Japanese, who are not targets of global terrorism. Recent studies have shown that a significant proportion of Japanese and South Koreans are worried about terrorism despite their limited history of terrorism compared with the rest of the world. This research suggests that the fear of terrorism in these countries could be explained using the concept of soft terrorism. This study performed a quantitative analysis of the seventh wave of the World Values Survey using the ordinal logistic regression (OLR) method, finding that the fear of terrorism is attributed to active media sources such as the Internet for South Koreans and passive media sources such as social media for the Japanese.
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Monday, July 4, 2022
Technological developments in the last 20 years have affected people's daily lives and caused many innovations. The internet and social media are among the most important developments, and these developments have led to an increase in the speed of news and people's rapid access to information on various topics. However, progress in technology has also affected terrorist organisations. This effect has changed the methods, strategies, and visions of terrorist organisations. With these new methods and strategies, terrorist organisations could negatively affect the psychology of the people who are not directly affected by global terrorism. The best example of this is Taiwan. In this study, I focus on the impact of hard and soft terrorism on the Taiwanese. In this direction, I use the mixed-method approach in this study. I analyse the 7th wave of the World Values Survey with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression method. Qualitative face-to-face interviews with Taiwanese will support the quantitative results.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Sri Lanka, birçok farklı etnik ve dinî unsuru barındıran Güney Asya’da bir ada ülkesidir. Bu unsurlar Sinhalalar, Tamiller, Burgherler, Avrupalılar, Hintliler ve Müslümanlardır. Sri Lanka'nın nüfusunun dörtte üçünü Sinhala etnik grubu oluşturmaktadır. Sinhalaların adaya 2000 yıl önce geldiği düşünülmektedir (Chalk 1998: 118-134). Tamiller, adada yaşayan en büyük ikinci etnik grup olup, ada nüfusunun %17'sini Tamiller oluşturmaktadır. Bazı akademik çalışmalar, Tamillerin adaya MÖ 500'de geldiklerini öne sürmektedir (Walter 2000: 40). Sri Lanka, birçok etnik topluluğa ev sahipliği ettiği gibi ada içinde birçok farklı dinin mensubu da yaşamaktadır. Adanın üçte ikisini Budistler, %22’sini Hindular ve Müslümanlar oluşturmaktadır (CIA 2019). Sinhala etnik grubunun mensupları genellikle adanın güney, batı ve orta kesimlerinde, Tamiller ise yoğunluklu olarak adanın kuzey ve doğu bölgelerinde yaşamaktadırlar. Tamil etnik grubu, kendi içinde iki alt gruba ayrılmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki Jaffna Tamilleri olup, adada yaşayan en eski Tamil topluluğudur. Hindistan Tamilleri ise ikinci gruptur. Hindistan Tamillerinin çoğu, Britanya Sömürge Dönemi’nde Hindistan'dan Sri Lanka'ya gelmiştir. Sömürge Dönemi’nde uygulanan birtakım yanlış politikalar, Sri Lanka’nın bağımsızlığı sonrasında ada nüfusunun büyük çoğunluğunu oluşturan Sinhalalar ve Tamiller arasında sorunlar yaşanmasına neden olmuştur (Chalk 1998: 120; Walter 2000: 25). İki etnik grup arasında yaşanan uzun zamanlı sorunların kökleri, Britanya Koloni Dönemi’ne kadar uzanmaktadır. Sri Lanka, 1948 yılında Britanya İmparatorluğu'ndan bağımsızlığını kazandı. Sri Lanka'nın bağımsızlığı sonrasında Tamiller siyasi, kültürel ve ekonomik hakları elde etme konusunda sorunlarla karşılaştılar. Sri Lanka'daki Tamil sorunun resmî başlangıcı da bağımsızlık sonrasında olmuştur. Adanın en büyük iki etnik unsuru arasındaki çatışmalar, sadece etnik farklılıklardan kaynaklanmamaktadır. Etnik farklılıklara ek olarak din, dil ve statü farklılıkları da iki etnik grup arasındaki sorunların nedenleri arasındadır. Bu çalışma, iki ana araştırma sorusuna cevap aramaktadır; “Etnik parçalanma, terörist faaliyetleri ve terör saldırılarını arttırıyor mu?” ve “Siyasi hayata etnik katılımın artması, terör saldırılarını azaltır mı?” Bu makalenin temel amacı ise “Sri Lanka’daki etnik temsil ve etnik parçalanma ile terör saldırıları arasındaki istatistiksel ilişkiyi” doğrudan incelemektir. Bu çalışma, literatürdeki etnik parçalanmanın ve etnik siyasi katılımın terör üzerinde belirleyicisi olup olmadığını soran ve farklı etnik gruplara ev sahipliği yapan ülkelerdeki terörizmin nedenlerini anlamaya yönelik araştırmalardan görece farklıdır. Bu makalede, etnisite ve terörizm arasındaki bağlantı, daha net bir şekilde incelenmektir. Bu çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, Sri Lanka'nın tarihi ve etnik gruplar arasındaki sorunun arka planı anlatılmaktadır. İkinci bölümde, konuyla ilgili akademik çalışmalarda ortaya çıkan farklı görüşler gösterilmektedir. Bu çalışma için nicel veri analizi yapılmış ve üçüncü bölümde bu veri analiz süreçleri açıklanarak veri analizinin sonuçları sunulmuştur. Dördüncü bölüm tartışma bölümü olup, verilerin analizi sonucunda elde edilen bulgular bu bölümde detaylı şekilde açıklanmaktadır.
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Saturday, February 5, 2022
Hard and Soft Terrorism Concepts: The Case of ISIS
Nowadays, the development of technology has influenced daily life and caused many innovations. Social media, which is one of the most important developments of recent years, has increased the speed of news and people's access to information has sped up on many issues. Over the last few years, progress in technology, and especially the development of social media, has also influenced terrorist organizations. This effect has changed the methods, strategies, and visions of terrorist organizations. The technological innovations and advancements in modes of communication and social media have produced two distinct yet interrelated facets of terrorism, namely the hard and soft terrorism concepts. In this paper, I will elaborate on these two emerging concepts by taking up the case of the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). This study is based on qualitative research methods. I analyze Google Trends to support my qualitative research. Based on this qualitative research, the paper aims to make some key observations and hopes to provide some thought-provoking analysis.
Keywords: ISIS, The Hard Terrorism Concept, The Soft Terrorism Concept, Social Media, Media
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Wednesday, October 27, 2021
The Roles and Impact of Mass Media and Social Media in Terrorism in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia is home to the world’s many emerging economies. Southeast Asian
countries have democratized over the years. They are rich in natural resources and
offer many opportunities for trade. However, terrorism has come to threaten the
economic opportunities in Southeast Asia in recent years.
The ghost of terrorism is a global problem. It is a ghost that has that
frightened most of the world after coordinated terrorist attacks against the United
States on 11 September 2001 resulted in the collapse of the twin towers of the
original World Trade Center in New York. Following this terrorist attack, many
governments around the world launched a war against terrorism (Güzel 2002). This
war against terrorism is still ongoing today, and has become more intense. Southeast
Asia is part of this war and is committed to the fight against terrorism. Southeast
Asian governments have indeed been suffering from terrorist threats for a long time,
as evinced by the 2002 Bali bombings in Indonesia and the Battle of Marawi in the
Philippines. The threat of terrorism in the Southeast Asian region has only grown in
scope and severity over time (Teymur 2007).
Monday, June 28, 2021
SentiStrength is a software
program that analyzes sentiment. SentiStrength gives sentiment results in three
types. First, it gives us the results in binary form. In other words, it gives
the sentiment results as positive or negative. Second, it gives it as a
trinary. That is, the results are presented as positive, negative or neutral. Finally,
it gives sentiment results as a single scale. In other words, sentiment results
are given on a scale between -5 and +5. SentiStrength supports many languages
such as German, English, Finnish and Turkish and is capable of sentiment
analysis of texts written in these languages. The SentiStrength program is
completely free.
10108 tweets about online food
ordering services are analyzed with the SentiStrength program to explain this
software in depth. The main problem we encounter at this stage is that the
SentiStrength program only accepts documents with the ".txt"
extension. If the text you want to analyze is ".xlsx" extended, you
should deal with this issue first. Unfortunately, the file I would to analyse
has the ".xlsx" extension. For this reason, I will first convert the
section I want to examine in the excel file to .txt format. In this context,
delete the sections except the section we want to analyze, and only the column
we want to analyze remains in our file. In the next step, we need to remove the
duplicates to avoid recounting the same tweets. In Excel, we can remove
duplicates using the “Data-> Remove Duplicates” function. The logo you see
marked is the logo that belongs to the "remove duplicates" function.
Then save our excel file, which
we cleaned from repetitions, as unicode text (.txt). In the next step, open the
SentiStrength program and select the "Analyze ALL Texts in File (each line
separately)" function in the "Sentiment Strength Analysis"
Next, let's select the .txt file
we want to analyze. Before the analysis starts, SentiStrength will ask if you
want to add a header line to the resulting file, and we need to select
"Yes". SentiStrength will ask us which column to use for analysis and
we can directly write "1" here.
If this image occurs, it means
that our analysis is complete. However, at this stage, the problem we
encountered at the beginning reoccurs. The results are saved on our computer
with the .txt extension.
It will be useful to copy and
paste the results with .txt extension to the excel file so that we can see the
results more clearly.
At the last stage, we will have
an excel file with 5 columns such as positive, negative and EmotionRationale. When
we look at the results, it is seen that there are many -1 and +1. -1 means not
negative or neutral. +1 means not positive or neutral. Between 2 and 4 is
positive and 5 is extremly positive. On the other hand, between -2 and -4 is
negative and -5 is extremely negative.
Finally, we can add another
column named "score" next to the negative and positive columns in the
excel file and see the general sentiment result. For this process, we need to
use the following formula; "=C2+D2". The results we get with this formula will
give the overall result of each tweet we analyzed.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
After decolonisation process, many African and Asian multicultural states designed their countries based on the nation-state model after their independence. One of the countries established based on the nation-state model was Algeria. Algeria was designed in accordance with the nation-state model due to its multicultural nature. In addition to the nation-state model, Algeria's official state ideology was determined as socialism based on Arab nationalism. The aim of the official ideo-logy was to Arabize Barbers and other cultures and ethnicities in Algeria. The Algerian regime ignored the Berber language and identity. This led to problems between the regime and the Berbers in Algeria. Because the Algerian new regime forced Berber community to adopt the Arab identity. The identity and ethnicity problems between the regime and the Berbers in Algeria still continue today.
KEYWORDS: Algeria, Berber movement, Nation-state, Multiculturalism, Algerian Army, Algerian Regime