Showing posts with label hunger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunger. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Is there any relationship between terrorism and poverty?

For a long time, international relations scholars have been discussing the causes of terrorism. One of the idea raised as a result of these discussions is poverty.

According to scholars such as Krueger and Maleckova (2003), there is a connection between poverty and terrorism. They support that there is a positive correlation between poverty and terrorism. According to Krueger and Maleckova (2003), if poverty is decreased, terrorism also will be decreased.

As a result of these researches, it was decided to investigate this subject in more detail. A data set was prepared in this direction. This data set included global hunger index, number of terrorist attacks, poverty and inequality numbers.

We got the global hunger index data from unicef, poverty and inequality from World bank and number of terrorist attacks from START.

There are 3 variables in this research. These variables are number of terrorist attacks in the World, global hunger index and poverty less than 1.90 usd.

 Firstly, correlation analysis between these three variables was performed. Based on this correlation analysis, no correlation was found between poverty and terror which is the purpose of the research.

            As can be seen in the table, there is no correlation between terrorism and hunger and poverty. After the correlation analysis, linear regression analysis was performed.

  Dependent variable:
Adjusted R2
Residual Std. Error
371.463 (df = 67)
F Statistic
1.308 (df = 1; 67)
*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

                  As could be seen, there is no significant relation between our variables. Linear regression analysis also confirmed the correlation analysis. As can be seen, there is no correlation between terrorism and poverty and hunger. This result is different from many sources in the literature.


Krueger, A., & Malečková, J. (2003). Education, Poverty and Terrorism: Is There a Causal Connection? The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17(4), 119-144. Retrieved from